Article appeared in the Business Strategy medium.

Discusland estrategia empresarialDiscusland estrategia empresarial

DISCUSLAND IN SERVICIOSPERIODISTICOS.INFO: publishes a report about our company:

DISCUSLAND interview on Onda Cero:

Entrevista Onda Cero a Discusland.mp3


DISCUSLAND on the radio program Futuro Verde:

Discusland en Futuro Verde corte-1.mp3 

Discusland en Futuro Verde corte-2.mp3


FIDO and DISCUSLAND on Gestiona Radio

Thanks to the invitation made to Discusland SL. Through the Futuro Verde program directed and presented by Don Miguel Del Pino, at Gestiona Radio, they have offered us an unbeatable opportunity to talk about our great passion for Disco fish and, at the same time, the FIDO International Championship.

From these lines, we thank those mentioned above for this magnificent opportunity, leaving the link where they can listen to the program in its entirety, which is truly worth it.

The Beginnings of Discusland:

Gazteempresa Award 2007:

Discusland: The most expensive fish are raised in Trapaga:

International press:

Discusland on Television: